And the famine stricken village became the origin of Green Revolution in Rewa Division.
Plumpy'nut is a peanut butter-based food used to fight malnutrition in famine stricken countries.
From December 1992 to January 1993, MSSG-15, under the 15th MEU, participated in Operation Restore Hope to assist in the civil war torn and famine stricken country of Somalia.
The rebellion was a result of an oppressive tax regime enforced by the centrally appointed bureaucrats from Seoul, collecting more than the allotted amount of grain from the famine stricken region of Pyeongan province.
The Patriarch was attacked in the press, especially during the campaign to seize church valuables, as having sold their teacher Jesus to the tsar and capitalists by withholding church valuables from the famine stricken.
The establishment of an international sports organization in Soviet Russia in 1921 was not without its utopian elements, since no official Soviet sport organizations existed in famine stricken post-civil war Soviet Russia at that time.
He served as Special Representative of the International Red Cross to the famine stricken regions of Ethiopia and Sudan ( 1985 1986 ) after which he was elected as President of the Liberian National Red Cross Society ( LNRCS ) ( 1986 1990 ).
In response to the famine stricken North Korea in the mid-1990s, Russia delivered humanitarian aid to North Korea twice in 1997 : food and medicine worth 4.5 billion " old " rubles in the fall, and 370 tonnes of sugar, canned meat, fish and milk worth 3.5 billion rubles, in December.